Monday, May 24, 2010

first post

hello? anybody out there? tap tap tap... is this thing working?

i have no idea why i decided to do this... i'm not even sure that i have decided... or maybe i have... since i'm here... and typing...

but then, i'm not convinced blogging is for me... one of the reasons i'm trying this out... because i've been asked to contribute to a blog for work, and i can't quite wrap my mind around that... i can do chatty (can't you tell? dang, i need some emoticons here - i just can't bring myself to use "lol")... and i can do formal... but i don't think a work blog is intended to be either...

so while i'm practicing let me begin with an explanation (or perhaps non-explanation would be more descriptive) of this blog's name...

i toyed with "i am an island" (well, i'm pretty sure i'd do fine as a hermit)... and also with "who am i?" (because i suspect i will seem like a difference person from one day to the next depending on the topic i choose to ramble about on any given day) and "subject to change" (which sounded a tad indecisive, or at least verging on the edge of indecisive)...

but i settled on "chameleon" because on the whole i prefer to give appearances of blending in... i actually wanted to add an adjective, but i couldn't think of one ahead of time and all of a sudden, there i was, creating a blog and forced to come up with a name! do they let you change your name along the way? or maybe i'll be a different category of chameleon with every post... (today i seem to be "chatty chameleon")...

anyway, i suspect this blog will be much ado about nothing... i don't really expect anyone to read it... in otherwords, i'm not writing for you (oh great world wide web wanderers)... i'm writing for me... to see if i can... and if i want to...

stay tuned (or not!)...